Jan Pieter Minckelers

The technological study association ‘Jan Pieter Minckelers’, often referred to as ‘Japie’, is the study association of the department of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry at Eindhoven University of Technology. The department offers bachelor- and master programs. The master tracks offered are process technology and materials science related. Our department collaborates with large chemical companies and is known for its close connections with the industry. The association owes her name to the ambitious professor Jan Pieter Minckelers who invented the city gas in 1784. This gas was produced by heating coal in absence of oxygen. This process formed a gas, now known as city gas or illumination gas. His invention was used soon after its discovery to light the streets. Our logo portrays the square lamp in which the city gas burned. This ambition and focus on the application is still something that characterizes our association. 

Logo Jan Pieter Minckelers