
For Bachelors

Your participation overview and your academy attendance

MyFuture Activities

Learn everything you need to know about MyFuture Activities


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About MyFuture

The goal of MyFuture is to stimulate career orientation for all TU/e students. MyFuture provides an overview of all career-related activities, organized by many parties associated with the TU/e. These activities range from company visits to skills workshops. Take charge of your career today!


This website assists you in selecting activities you are interested in. The Progress page helps you to describe your future career. If you want to develop skills, you can easily select them by clicking on 'add to interest’. This way, your personalized Overview will be adapted. You can now see the activities that are most suitable for you.


Make sure to follow our Instagram @myfuturetue and LinkedIn to be reminded of upcoming activities and stay up to date. If you have ideas about how career orientation at TU/e could be improved, reach out to us via


Click here to see an information sheet with the most important things you need to know about MyFuture (Activities). 

About this platform