Frequently asked questions

About MyFuture Activities

What are the MyFuture Activities and how do they work?
How does the registration of MyFuture Activities work?
If I don’t have my campus/student card with me, can I still attain MyFuture Activities?
How can I track my MyFuture Activities progress?
I collected all the required MyFuture Activities, why does it not show up on OSIRIS?
Who can I contact about the MyFuture Activities if I have any questions?
What do I need to do when my MyFuture Acitivity does not show up in Academy Attendance?
What if I did not collect the required amount of MyFuture Activities at the end of my Bachelor?
Can I still attend MyFuture Activities if I already attained the value of 7?
Do I have to participate in MyFuture Activities if I switched studies?
For how long are my MyFuture Activities valid?
Which organizations offer MyFuture Activities?
Are all MyFuture Activities offered in English?
I attended a career activity outside the university, is this certified as a MyFuture Activity?
Is an internship also valued as a Myfuture Activity?
I organize a career event, can I also give MyFuture Activities to students?

About the Career Day

What is the Career Day?
How many MyFuture Activities are connected to the Career Day?
Who should I contact if I have questions about the Career Day?
Do I need to prepare anything for the Career Day?
I am not able to attend the Career Day, what do I do?
Can I also attend the Career Day next year?